We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into our family!
Jen, Jeff and Savannah
ENC:Currículo 50001996
5 weeks ago
Creating my destiny
Mta calma nessa hora. Hane querida, vc como leitura assídua do meu blog, q eu sei q vc é, assim como eu sou e sempre serei do seu, deve se lembrar q eu tenho rinite, sou asmática e faço tratamento controlado com o uso de remédios p diminuir a alergia. Por isso, coloquei grandão lá no meu app (family without pets, please!). E reafirmo cada vez mais minha posição pq, couple months ago, uma au pair teve q voltar p o Brasil pq ela tinha asma e foi p casa de uma family com dogs. Todo dia ela passava mal por causa dos bichinhos, até q resolveu pedir remacht, como ela não conseguiu family teve que voltar. Já pensou?! Lá, já vou ter que lidar com o fator clima e o fator poeira q tem em anywhere, então pets, que é um fator evitável, eu evitarei. Compreendo e desculpo o fato de vc n entender o meu problema, até pq, só sabe o q é uma crise de asma quem já teve. E eu já tive, inclusive fui internada algumas vezes por conta disso. Portanto, eu sei o que eu digo quando eu falo que não posso fechar com essa family. É uma pena! Eu sei. Adoraria fechar com eles agora mesmo, mas desde que entrei no programa sabia q teria q considerar isso e que provavelmente perderia algumas oportunidades. _______Falando da family...Eles são de Carlisle Massachusetts. Nossa! Desde o começo MA é p onde eu quero ir. O que eles dizem da cidade. We live in a suburb of Boston - about 35 minutes outside of the city. Our house is in a quiet area and sits on about 4 acres. While we're not in a hustling city, it's only a short trip into Boston. There are many things to do here and around here including hiking, and outdoor activities as well as cultural events including festivals and theater. Os hosts se chamam Jeffrey e Jennifer e a kid se chama Savannah, achei um nome forte e bonito. Ela tem apenas um aninho. (Melhor idade ever) Enfim, adorei tudinho que eles me disseram. O que eles dizem sobre eles: (em negrito o q me chamou bastante atenção)Our family consists of one daughter, Savannah who is 13 months old (in April). I am Jennifer and my husband is Jeff. We are looking to expand our family this year and hope we can bring a sibling for Savannah in the Spring of 2010. We both work - I am a consultant and my husband Jeff works in investment banking. I have the ability to work from home when necessary and to have Friday's off so that I can spend a little extra time with Savannah. Jeff, on occasion needs to travel for work. We are a very active family and we like to enjoy the seasons that New England has to offer. In the warmer months we spend many weekends traveling to local destinations and spending as much time outside as possible. During the cooler months we go apple and pumpkin picking and in winter months, we continue to enjoy outdoor activities such as skiing. We don't often sit still - we love to entertain, and to laugh often. Life is fun and we are constantly looking to live to the fullest. Our family is very close even though our extended family live outside of Massachusetts. Savannah has been a wonderful addition to our family - over the past year we have watched her grow and develop. Jeff and I are also very close and believe that we are a true team in life and as parents. Ao ler a carta deles senti uma energia mto boa, principalmete os pontos em negrito acima. Sobre a au pair.We are seeking an au pair that is active and loves infants and toddlers- experience with small children is very important. Our ideal au pair would be looking to become part of our family and become an important role model for Savannah. There are many exciting months ahead for someone to watch and be a part of her development!! Olha como eles finalizam a carta:Our sincerest wish is that you fall in love with our family and our daughter and in doing so, create everlasting memories, relationships and a bond that carries you and us into the future. Caring for and watching children develop while being a role model can be a very rewarding experience. We hope that in joining our family, you will grow personally through your caregiving role and also through exploring the activities and events that are offered in our area.
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into our family!
Jen, Jeff and Savannah Não são fofos!? Parecem ou não parecem uma família bemmmm legal? Agora me digam, tinham q ter um gato? Vou mandar e-mail p eles anyway... vai q há uma luz no fim do túnnel?Bjossss
Até q enfim! Até q enfim! Até q enfim uma family olhou p mim? rsrrssrs
Oi gente! Saudades de ocês mô povo!
Espero q, assim como eu, vocês tenham se surpreendido com o seu conhecimento em inglês.
Mil bjos e vumbora embora...
Hi sweets,
Pennsyilvania had match with other au pair... never mind... my time is comming.